How does peerdrive compare to webtorrent ?

File management support

Peerdrive has built-in file management. File management exactly looks and feels like file manager in your favorite operating system. You can browse remote folders, drag and drop files and folders to/from your root view. All operations are supported which you are used to. However, some features are not supported limited by HTML5 file system capabilities.

Media play capabilities

Webtorrent supports playing MP4 files. peerdrive also supports playing fragmented mp4 files, in addition to mp4, peerdrive also supports webm files. MP3 files and folders can be dragged and dropped onto our inbuilt audio player to start playing.

File preview support

In addition to the media playing capabilities, peerdrive also supports opening multiple popular file formats. Source code files are displayed highlighting respective syntax. Images can be previewed right in the browser with builtin image viewer. Also supported are PDF files. We will be adding other popular formats in future.

faster file transfers and opens file transfers are now much faster to the tune of 4x. Enjoy faster downloads and uploads and file opens, also enjoy less pauses while watching movies. We are not done yet. We are still working on transfer optimizations to bring you much faster experience. Also rolled in are some cosmetic enhancements in the file transfer widget. Now the transfer widget indicates the completion of file upload or download and displays accordingly.

Announcing webm support today

We are thrilled to announce webm support today. We started with MP4 support in the initial version. MP4 is quite ubiquitous today found on all kinds of platforms ranging from youtube to OTT. Another video format webm is equally impressive and results in smaller file sizes. Much like mp4, webm also lends itself equally easy to play using media source extensions technology available in browser. Now you can play remote webm files with our inbuilt video player. we have found that our player is able to play a large number of files found on the internet. we have also seen that some files are unplayable with media source extensions technology. If you are facing any trouble playing webm files, please drop us a note and also point us to the file.

Peer to peer transfer size limits compared

When you send a file to your friends over any messaging apps, the file is stored temporarily in the cloud if the recipient is offline. Storing files in the cloud imposes a restriction on the file size. Peerdrive takes a completely different approach to messaging apps, peerdrive does not store files in the cloud. You cannot access the share if it is offline. By not storing the files in the cloud and allowing direct peer to peer transfers, peerdrive liberates you from the file size restrictions. There is practically no limit on the size of the file/folder you can upload/download. Here are the file size limits imposed by some well known messaging apps.

Viber: 25mb

WhatsApp: 100mb

Skype: 300mb

Telegram: 1.5gb